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Application for Open Air Burning Permit

Whitchurch-Stouffville Fire and Emergency Services
100 Weldon Road, Stouffville, ON L4A 1N2
Administration: Tel. (905) 640-9595    Fax. (905) 640-9517

Open Air Burning Safe Practices:

  1. Open Air Burning must occur between sunrise and sunset only.
  2. The permit must be on site and available for inspection at all times.
  3. A responsible party of legal age must be in attendance at all times during the Open Air Burn, and must supervise the Burn until it is completely extinguished.
  4. A telephone number where the responsible party referred to in paragraph 3 can be reached must be provided.
  5. The responsible party referred to in paragraph 3 shall be equipped with sufficient water or tools to contain the fire and must have a means of contacting the Town's Fire and Emergency Services in case of an emergency.
  6. The Open Air Burn shall not be permitted when an Air Quality Advisory has been issued, when the wind speed exceeds 20 kmph, when the wind direction is changing frequently or when there is decreased visibility on any highway in the vicinity.
  7. Only clean dry brush, wood products and natural organic material may be burned.
  8. Petroleum products, plastics, rubber, painted lumber, domestic, industrial, agricultural waste, animal carcasses or any other material that will cause excessive smoke or noxious fumes must not be mixed or contaminate the wood or brush that may be burned.
  9. Notwithstanding anything in this By-law, no person shall:
    • set more than one (1) fire at any given time
    • set or maintain a fire at a distance of less than ten (10) metres from any building, hedge, fence, roadway, overhead wire or obstruction of any kind or nature whatsoever
  10. Notwithstanding anything in this By-law, no person shall set an uncontained fire such as a grass fire
  11. Piled material to be burned shall not be more than 2m in diameter or 2m in height
  12. Open Air Burning shall not be permitted if it causes smoke or odour to such an extent as to cause discomfort to persons residing in the immediate area.
  13. Open Air Burning Permit holder must ensure that officers have full access to the lands upon which the Open Air Burn is conducted at all times during the activation of the Permit.
  14. Parcels of land shall not be less than 1 acre.
  15. Proposed burn site must be easily accessible by fire apparatus.
Do you agree with the Safe Practises and Conditions above

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